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#LifeLessons - Shelley Bosworth

#LifeLessons -  Shelley Bosworth

NAME:  Shelley Bosworth

AGE: 47 almost 48

INSTAGRAM HANDLE: @shelleybosworthcoaching

JOB TITLE:  Business & Mindset Coach

After a 25 year corporate career Shelley made the switch to self-employed life in 2019, following a series of life challenges and found herself navigating life as an entrepreneur during the pandemic. This led her to working on her own mindset and resilience which is where her passion for mindset coaching was born from. In 2023 she achieved one of her own life goals to live and work internationally when she and her husband relocated to Dubai.

She is a passionate advocate of women’s empowerment and on a mission to help women in business understand the power of their mindset and how any one of us can achieve our goals if we truly believe in ourselves and take action.

Today Shelley shares her 3 biggest life lessons with Raemona Magazine:



#LIFELESSON – 1 What matters most is NOW

We all have a past and a story but I, like so many people, had let my past story dictate my present and my future, ultimately holding me back without realising it. I held onto a lot of resentment for a long time about the opportunities I didn’t have … since starting my own business and working on my own mindset the realisation of this and the ability to let go of the past stories that are not helping me has been both liberating and game changing. Whilst always a work in progress, I now truly understand and embrace that my past has taught me everything that has got me to where I am today. My future is unknown and the only way I can create it is through intentionally focusing on what I do (or don’t do) NOW.


#LIFELESSON – 2 You are never too old


I started my business at 42, I had no prior experience or even examples in my life of running a business and like many women I had gone through the usual OMG I’m in my 40’s. But here I am 4 years later and thriving. In fact, I’d say this is my best decade yet!

I’ve often been asked if I wish I had discovered my passion for coaching and mindset earlier, the answer is no. I am who I am because of my years; I wouldn’t be half the coach I am now if I’d started in my 20’s, my life experience has enabled me to have deeper empathy and understanding of real life and my clients as well as having so much evidence in my own personal armoury for my confidence to get on with all that gets thrown at me.



#LIFELESSON – 3 It’s all an experiment!


We don’t know what’s coming next, we don’t know what will happen, what people will do, say or think and yet we spend so much time worrying about it and ultimately holding back. Life is one big experiment. Business is an even bigger experiment.

We learn through trying, failing and getting back up for another go. If we treat it all as an experiment, of course we mitigate risk, we consider and ensure we are taking the best course of action with the information we have, but ultimately our only way to know anything is try, to step forward, to let the experiment show us the result.

I’m not perfect at this, but I remind myself often and it certainly helps me get out of my head and into action



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