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Other Women's Jobs // Chrysoula Arvanitaki

Other Women's Jobs // Chrysoula Arvanitaki


AGE: 43

JOB TITLE: Life Coach &  Expert in Neuro Linguistic Programming


Originally from Greece, Chrysoula has been living in various countries since 2008, loving connecting with people from various cultural and lifestyle backgrounds and understanding what and why they think the way they think and how this is translated in the way they behave, dress up and move.

For four years now she has been the founder of “Chrysoula Arvanitaki Life Services”, on a mission to help as many people as possible to uncover and shift their unconscious thought and behavioral pattern to a more constructive one, which will allow them to experience greater levels of personal and professional success.

Apart from high level trainings Chrysoula underwent while serving in her country’s intelligence service, she obtained her credentials in Neuro Linguistic Programming and Life Coaching back in 2020 in Dubai and she have been passionately pursuing my life’s work since then.

Let's enjoy a typical day in her life:

7AM: Embracing the Morning Bustle 

As the clock strikes seven, my home transforms into a bustling hive of activity. The air fills with the chatter of young voices and the clatter of breakfast preparations. We gather around the table, fueling ourselves with food and conversation, setting the stage for the day ahead.

With uniforms donned and backpacks in tow, we pile into the car, our favorite playlist providing the soundtrack for our journey. Amidst the chatter and laughter, I navigate the familiar route to school, savoring these moments of togetherness.

At the school gates, I bid farewell to my children, watching as they disappear into the embrace of their educational adventure. With a mixture of pride and nostalgia, I turn my attention to the challenges and opportunities awaiting me at the office.

But amidst the chaos, there's a sense of gratitude - for the shared rituals, the laughter, and the simple joy of being together at the dawn of a new day.

 9:00 AM: Cultivating Clarity and Client-Centric Focus

With the first sip of my morning elixir—whether it's the invigorating kick of coffee or the soothing embrace of tea—I embark on a journey of intentionality and purpose. As a Life Coach, my mornings are not just about routines; they're about setting the stage for transformation and growth.

Before immersing myself in the bustling rhythm of the day, I take a moment to connect with the heartbeat of my schedule—the appointments, sessions, and interactions that await me. With each glance at my calendar, I'm reminded of the profound privilege and responsibility of guiding my clients towards their fullest potential.

In a world clamoring for attention, I seek refuge in the sanctuary of silence. By silencing the distractions of the digital realm, I create a space for profound connection—with myself, with my clients, and with the transformative journey we embark upon together.

With my phone set to "silent mode," I step into the flow of the day, my focus honed on the needs and aspirations of those I serve. Whether it's facilitating breakthroughs, providing accountability, or offering compassionate guidance, I approach each interaction with a steadfast commitment to empowerment and growth.

As the minutes unfold, I find myself immersed in the artistry of coaching—each question, each reflection, each insight a brushstroke on the canvas of transformation. And amidst the quiet hum of concentration, I find the space to cultivate clarity, to nurture resilience, and to ignite the spark of possibility within my clients' hearts.

For in the stillness of the morning, amidst the gentle rhythm of breath and intention, lies the power to unlock the extraordinary potential that resides within us all.

 12:00 PM: Balancing Act in the Midday Rush

As the clock strikes noon, my day is in full swing, juggling coaching sessions and the need to maintain my own well-being. Between back-to-back appointments, I make sure to take regular breaks, essential for staying sharp and productive.

To keep my mind clear and focused, especially between sessions, I rely on calming or classical music. The soothing melodies help me block out distractions and dive deep into tasks at hand.

Hydration is key during the hustle. That's why I always have water by my side, ensuring I stay refreshed and energized throughout the busy day.

In the midst of the chaos, I find moments of peace, whether it's a quick walk outside or a moment of silence in my office. These breaks are vital for maintaining my balance and grounding me amidst the flurry of activity.

As the afternoon unfolds, I'm committed to giving my clients my best, while also taking care of myself. It's a delicate dance, but one that's essential for both my success and theirs.


 2:00 PM: Taking Stock in the Midday Hustle

By 2:00 PM, I'm knee-deep in the day's activities, juggling coaching sessions and managing the flow of tasks. It's a hectic time, but amidst the chaos, I carve out a moment to catch my breath and reflect on the journey so far.

Slipping into a brief break between appointments, I find myself retreating to my office—a haven of calm in the midst of the bustling day. Here, I take a moment to check in with myself, assessing how things are going and what adjustments might be needed.

With pen and paper in hand, I jot down thoughts and observations, capturing insights gleaned from the morning's interactions. It's a chance to pause, digest, and distill the lessons learned, ensuring that I'm constantly evolving and improving as a coach.

But amidst the introspection, there's also a practical side to this midday pause. It's time to review my schedule, make any necessary adjustments, and ensure that I'm well-prepared for the sessions still to come.

As the clock ticks on, I emerge from this brief interlude feeling recharged and refocused, ready to dive back into the fray with renewed energy and purpose. For in the hustle and bustle of the midday rush, there's a chance to regroup, recenter, and reaffirm my commitment to guiding my clients towards their goals.



4:00 PM: Embracing Family Time and After-School Adventures

At 4:00 PM, my focus shifts from work to family as I eagerly await my children's return from school. Stepping into the kitchen, I whip up some afternoon snacks, whether it's homemade cookies, sliced fruit, or a quick snack to fuel them for the activities ahead.

As I put the finishing touches on our spread, I listen for the sound of their footsteps, eager for the laughter and chatter that accompanies their arrival. It's a moment of pure joy as we gather around the table, sharing stories of our day and enjoying each other's company.

But the afternoon holds more than just snacks and conversation—it's also a time for us to prepare for the various after-school activities and sports that fill our schedule. Whether it's packing gear for soccer practice, gathering supplies for art class, or simply ensuring we have everything we need for a trip to the park, there's always something to keep us on our toes.

In the midst of life's busyness, these simple moments of togetherness are what truly matter. They remind me of the love and connection that binds us as a family, grounding us in what's most important.

For me, this is the essence of happiness—being able to come together with the ones I love, even in the midst of our hectic schedules, and simply enjoy each other's presence.

7:00 PM: Getting Cozy at Home

By 7:00 PM, we're all back home, ready to settle in for the evening. The hustle and bustle of the day starts to fade as we shift gears into relaxation mode.

In the kitchen, dinner prep is in full swing. We chop veggies, boil pasta, and stir sauces, all while catching up on each other's day. It's a team effort, with everyone pitching in to make sure we have a delicious meal on the table.

Meanwhile, the kids take turns in the shower, washing off the day's adventures and getting into comfy clothes. They're excited to wind down after a busy day at school and activities.

As we gather around the table for dinner, we chat about everything from funny moments to plans for the weekend. The air is filled with laughter and the clinking of forks against plates as we enjoy our meal together.

After dinner, it's time for a different kind of activity: homework. I love sitting down with the kids to help them with their assignments, whether it's reading comprehension, math problems, or science experiments. It's a chance for me to share my love for books and numbers, and to help them develop their own skills and interests.

As we work through their assignments together, I see their eyes light up with understanding and excitement. It's a rewarding experience for all of us, strengthening our bond as a family and instilling a lifelong love of learning.

As the evening progresses, we all start to unwind, feeling grateful for the warmth and coziness of home. It's these simple moments together that make us feel truly connected and content.


9:00 PM: Evening Retreat for Personal Growth, Exercise, and Connection

As the clock strikes nine, the house settles into a peaceful stillness. With the children tucked into bed, the evening stretches out before me like a canvas waiting to be painted with moments of personal reflection, growth, physical activity, and connection.

I begin by carving out time for personal development, retreating to a quiet corner of the house with a book in hand. Whether it's delving into the pages of a captivating novel, exploring the wisdom of a thought-provoking non-fiction book, or immersing myself in the beauty of poetry, each word is a stepping stone on the path to self-discovery.

When the weather permits, I seize the opportunity to incorporate physical activity into my evening routine. Whether it's a brisk walk around the neighborhood under the moonlit sky or a session with the exercise equipment I have at home, I relish the chance to move my body and invigorate my spirit.

Returning home, refreshed and energized, I come together with my husband to share quality time and connection. We sit down and talk about our day, sharing stories, triumphs, and challenges, and making plans for the week ahead. It's a time for bonding, for deepening our connection, and for supporting each other in our goals and aspirations.

In these precious hours of solitude, shared, I find refuge from the demands of the day, nourishing my mind, body, and soul in equal measure. As we laugh, talk, and dream together, I feel a profound sense of gratitude for the love and companionship that enriches my life.

In these quiet moments, I find clarity, inspiration, and the courage to pursue my dreams with renewed vigor and determination. For in the embrace of personal development, physical activity, and meaningful connection, I find the truest expression of love and compassion—for myself, for my husband, and for the world around me.

 10:00 PM: Time for Rest and Renewal

As the clock strikes ten, it's time to recharge and rejuvenate. I slip into bed, grateful for the day's blessings and ready to surrender to the embrace of sleep. With each breath, I release tension and welcome the restorative power of rest. Tomorrow holds new adventures, but for now, I embrace the peace and tranquility of the night.

Thank You for becoming part of my day!


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