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5 Questions To Ask At A Job Interview

There are bazillions of questions out there that could be asked and a google search will find all the top questions, but it is absolutely essential you remember and memorize a few prior to your interview. If asked do you have any questions and you look blankly at the person interviewing you, you probably will have cost yourself that lucrative job offer!

Nicki Wilson, Owner of Genie Recruitment shares some of her favourites questions to ask at your job interview:

What is your background?

Asking the interviewer about their background (even if you have researched them) will give you a great opportunity to understand more about this potential line manager. It may even be a chance for you to pipe up about any similarities you might have had throughout your experience and be a great chance to keep the conversation flowing. At the very least most people like to talk about their own achievements, and it will make the interviewer feel good.

How could I impress you in the first 3 months?

Take note! This could be a great way to see into the mind of this person. Are they process-driven? Are they a micro manager? Are their expectations realistic? It will also be a bit of a checklist should you actually land the job!

Where does the company see itself heading over the next 5 years?

Are you aligned with their future growth plans, does it mean the potential for growth for you as an individual too? Many questions in your mind may be resolved by asking this question and again it will be a good way to get under the skin of the company and understand the longer-term mission.

What development opportunities might be available for me?

Shows you are already thinking about a future with them, but also shows that you are ambitious to help them achieve their goals too. It could also marry well with the previous question as it might be more specific about you are the person being interviewed and again be a chance to talk about your ambitious qualities and desire to flourish in a new environment. On the other hand, maybe, it will show you that you aren’t aligned after all, and this role does not meet your own needs… and that’s ok too.

Are there any reservations about my skills for this role?

A question I often suggest you should ask right at the end. It could give you the winning edge to fight back against any reservations. Imagine the whole interview they think you don’t have a skill in X, and you can then say well yes I do and give a great example of it. Clear up any apprehensions before you leave the room!

//Nicki Wilson, Genie Recruitment

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