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Other Women's Jobs - Laura Barton Toyne

Other Women's Jobs - Laura Barton Toyne

NAME: Laura Barton Toyne

INSTAGRAM HANDLE: @yellowkitenursery

JOB TITLE: Nursery Principal



Laura is deeply passionate about early years education and has dedicated her career to nurturing young minds. From a young age, she felt a calling to work with children, leading Laura to pursue qualifications in child development, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities(SEND), adult education, and early years education.

Laura's experience spans various settings, including children's homes, schools, and nurseries, with her focus being on creating an inclusive, engaging environment that fosters curiosity and joy in learning. Laura's work is driven by a commitment to building strong relationships with children and their families, ensuring that every child feels valued and supported. Through innovative approaches like the Curiosity Approach, Laura strives to make a positive impact on the lives of those she serves.


Laura shares a typical day in her life and work with us:



Welcoming Children and Families

The day kicks off with high energy as I welcome children and families to the nursery. This time is all about connection—sharing warm greetings, quick chats with parents, and playful moments with the children. It sets a positive tone for the day and fosters a strong sense of community.



Operational Duties and Parent Tours

Mid-morning is a whirlwind of activity. While ensuring the nursery runs smoothly and all safety standards are met, I might also be leading interactive tours for prospective parents, highlighting how our unique approach nurtures creativity and exploration. Each tour is an opportunity to share our passion and answer any questions parents might have. During this time I am often pulled in a few different directions, so you could potentially find me working with staff, visiting classrooms, chatting with parents or working on bringing my ideas to life.



Lunch and Team Check-Ins

Lunchtime is a time to connect with the team. Over lunch, I check in with the staff, celebrate successes, and discuss any challenges from the morning. We often brainstorm new ideas or plan upcoming events, ensuring everyone feels supported and aligned with our goals. It's a great time to build team spirit and keep everyone motivated.



Paperwork, Meetings and Events

After lunch, I dive into the more administrative side of things. This often involves managing the nursery’s finances, from processing payments to reviewing budgets. Alongside this, I hold meetings with the marketing team to discuss ongoing campaigns and brainstorm new ways to engage with our community. We look at everything from social media strategies to upcoming events, ensuring our messaging aligns with our values and effectively reaches our audience. Around this time I might also be hosting a training session on the Curiosity Approach or other teaching approaches and early years theorists, which are integral to our philosophy. I love attending networking events which are typically held around this time too.



Content Creation, Parent Meetings and Community Engagement

Afternoons are dynamic and varied. I might be meeting with parents to discuss their child's development or collaborating with our marketing team on community events. We plan exciting activities, from parent workshops to seasonal celebrations, all designed to engage and delight our nursery community. This is also a time for creative brainstorming, where we think up new ways to make learning fun and meaningful for our children.



Calls in the Car – My Thinking Time

As the day winds down, I often find myself making calls in the car on my way home. This is a valuable time for me to reflect on the day’s events, plan for tomorrow, or catch up with colleagues and partners. I find that the solitude of the drive provides a perfect backdrop for strategic thinking and brainstorming, allowing me to approach challenges with a fresh perspective.



Dinner and Relaxation After the Gym

Evenings are a time for relaxation and self-care. After a workout at the gym, which helps me unwind and recharge, I enjoy a quiet dinner. This is when I truly relax, spending time with family or catching up on some reading. It's a chance to switch off from the busyness of the day and focus on personal well-being.



Early to Bed

I rarely see this time, as I’m an early bird who values a good night’s sleep. By 9 PM, I'm usually in bed, ready to recharge for the next day. Rest is crucial for maintaining my energy levels and ensuring I’m at my best for the children, parents, and staff at the nursery. This routine ensures I'm refreshed and ready to tackle the adventures of the next day at the nursery.


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