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New Era In Weight Loss Is Here

scales and tape measure

by Indira Kasaeva

Because guess what…weight loss requires more than just “eating less & moving more”.

With a waitlist already open, it is the latest innovation in the industry. A totally new way to approach weight loss, the unique six-month weight-loss program called ‘Zone’ combines personalised metabolic data with a ‘clinic-in-the-cloud’ model.

The Zone programme includes a virtual physician meeting, followed by an onboarding visit from the nursing team at your home or office, where a blood sample is collected, and wearables are connected. Consider yourself a biohacker in the literal sense of the word!

Your dedicated Dietitian and Coach set out the primary goals and an initial observation period (also known as Continuous Metabolic Monitoring). This looks at the cause and effect of personal nutrition choices, sleep and exercise on glycaemic variability. Medications are introduced in the next phase, with medication titration happening in real-time, depending on the results.

Experts guiding you include an endocrinologist, a dietitian, and a coach, who monitor, engage and provide continuous feedback to you through the app. This holistic approach of personal data monitoring and precision medication is meant to improve metabolic health and achieve sustainable weight loss quickly and safely. And apparently, you will be refunded if you do not achieve the target weight.

The program is launched by a health tech start-up meta[bolic], which is a behavioural change platform that synthesises the human and machine in the pursuit of enduring change in human behaviour and lasting outcomes in treating metabolic disease.

For more info check out, you can also get a free consultation!

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