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Talking Redundancy

Redundancy here in the UAE is still a relatively new concept, making it unknown territory for both employees and employers alike. So, as the practice becomes more common here in the UAE, what are the main considerations when it comes to redundancy?

Redundancy is likely to come about where the company either needs to downsize the workforce due to a consistent dip in revenue that begins to affect cash flow, where certain positions are no longer necessary or where technology replaces positions in the company. If redundancies are being issued, there is a strong possibility that the business will be restructuring teams to some extent.

As per UAE labour law, there are currently no black and white guidelines to a set process or pay out scale when it comes to redundancy. Best practices in other countries around the world may include offering voluntary redundancy to employees as a first step, followed by a ‘consultation period’, which means c 45-60 days ahead of the redundancies, employees will be warned if their jobs are at risk.

So what do you do if you find yourself in a room with your company HR being issued with a notice of redundancy?

  • First of all, try to remain calm and take in what is being said to you. Take note of when they would like your final day to be, what your pay out will be, will you be paid owed holiday days, gratuity and when will you receive payment?

  • Ask questions - Why has this happened? Why is your position no longer needed?

  • If it’s a possibility for you, ask if your employer would consider keeping you part-time or freelance? You could also ask if there are any other roles that you could transfer to in the company.

  • Visa and medical insurance - make sure you are clear on when these items will be cancelled.

  • Use your company's network - can they assist you in finding you a new role? Can they introduce you to new employers? Will they help in revamping your LinkedIn and CV?

  • Ask for a recommendation letter and guarantee of an employment reference.

  • Always remain professional and refrain from posting your emotions on your company on social media. Being let go is never nice, but remember your employer is a business, not your partner dumping you. Hopefully, having to make such tough decisions won’t have been easy for the company either.

It is really important for those who are affected by redundancy to remember that jobs are replaceable- if you are consistent and intentional with your search - you will find a brilliant new role. It might even be a great opportunity to retrain in something that you have always wanted to do, to finally turn that side hustle into your full time career or even take a break altogether. Lastly, lean on your friends and family to lift you up, there is no need to suffer in silence.

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