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Hormone Boosting Beauty Hacks

There are times in a month, or even seasons of our lives when our hormones play havoc with our skin, our hair and our overall mood. Even when we are feeling ‘meh’ - nobody wants to look it. As women, our whole cycles make our hormones fluctuate and annoyingly, this is often reflected on the outside with breakouts, changes in skin texture and even how our make-up looks and feels. If you know your cycle, you’ll see the difference week by week.

What’s happening?

Your oestrogen and progesterone levels fall at the start of your cycle and this can lead to dryer skin and hair. Fine lines can look more apparent facially too.

What to do?

Look for products that nourish and calm. Hyaluronic acid-based treatments are excellent at this time for intense hydration as well as combatting any sensitivity. Apply a few drops morning and night before creams. Avoid any type of exfoliation at this time and concentrate on hydration throughout your beauty routine. From the inside out, healthy fats such as oily fish and avocado can really help too.

What’s happening?

Mid cycle, you’ll see a surge in oestrogen, so say hello to healthier and silkier hair, plus more of a ‘glow’ in your skin.

What to do?

Now is the time to exfoliate and get rid of any dead skin. You will be more sensitive to sun exposure and damage at this time, however, so be sure to think about that SPF in any products you use, especially if you are going lighter on the makeup thanks to your better skin texture. Hot Cloth skin cleansers are perfect for exfoliating and cleansing since, gentle enough not to irritate too. Diet wise, we can boost those antioxidants in your skin by enjoying leafy, dark green vegetables. Carrots, tomatoes, and apricots are also excellent hormone boosters too.

What’s happening?

When you are hitting ovulation, the great news is that you should be feeling better with a resurgence in oestrogen with an increase in lovely collagen – making our skin feel plumper and hydrated.

What to do?

A rise in body temperature means you might be having trouble sleeping however so think about a pillow mist or play with the myriad of overnight masks on the market to combat dark circles in the morning, not forgetting all the choices of sleep-inducing tea formulations that are available. Caffeine after 3pm is a bad idea, but hot, low-fat milk and a potassium rich banana will help in the evening.

What’s happening?

Your period is about to start, and that means an increase in testosterone whilst oestrogen levels fall. Hello oily skin. Your pores are larger and an acne breakout looks likely. Your stress levels will be higher and your hair greasier. What fun.

What to do?

Find a non-drying cleanser that will purify pores and reduce excessive oil. Salicylic acid is a great ingredient that prevents closed pores and spots. Now is the time to increase any exfoliation to two or three times a week to remove dirt. Use a clarifying shampoo and of course dry shampoo when needed to absorb any unwanted moisture. It’s also the perfect time for a massage to reduce stress and combat PMS symptoms as well as encouraging a healthy lymphatic system and boosting immunity. Food wise, you are looking for zinc-rich and vitamins C & E, so think nuts and seeds as well as citrus fruits alongside lean red meat and small amounts of sunflower oil.

Balancing hormones can make or break your month. A chat with a dermatologist or endocrinologist is advised if you feel like yours are getting out of hand or reducing your ability to function normally. Getting to know your cycle well and making changes to your beauty routine and diet can really help.

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