Is it just us or does how the start of your week begin set the tone for the week ahead?
Here’s a few tips from us on how to create a happy week ahead.
Declutter your “life”
Crazy as it may sound, if the house, desk, wardrobe or even handbag are messy and “out of control”, you feel out of control. It’s not always so easy when busy but set aside some time before the new week begins to get all in order. Trust us, your head will feel much clearer and ready for the week ahead if all feels in good order.
Plan a happy outfit
Choose an outfit that always makes you feel good. We all have one! Clothing can be really important in improving mood. Choose one in a bright colour, a great print or one you have really happy memories in. Out personal tip is to plan your clothes for the whole week ahead – have each day on a hanger with accessories so it’s ready to go and this alone helps every day feel easier and avoids a wardrobe crisis, helping you start each day in a good place.
Create a morning ritual you love
Routine works for so many reasons – your brain has to work less and you can build in all the things you enjoy or that give you some peace and happiness to start the day. For some, it’s fresh air, lovely sea view and a cup of tea. For others it may be meditation, a podcast or exercise. Find what makes you happy to start the day and create a routine that includes it. With a pleasant start to the day, you’ll feel less dread and more positive when your alarm goes off. Once you have this routine you will find that you actually look forward to getting up in the morning.
Get some natural light
Nothing starts the day better than some natural light. In cooler times, I swear by sitting on my terrace in the morning as it has a very positive affect on my mood. Being outside, in nature and fresh air can give a real happiness high – there’s plenty of research to back it up. No outdoor space, then find the lightest spot in your apartment or even paint your rooms a lighter colour.
Celebrate your wins
Before a new week starts, Try and take a moment or two to celebrate wins from the week before. Sometimes there is lots to celebrate and other times not so much, but there is always something. Focusing on the positives from the week before helps start the next week in a good place.
Do a random act of kindness
Research shows performing acts of kindness for seven days boosts happiness and well-being. As you start your day, look for a random act of kindness you can do – is it a coffee for a colleague, sending a lovely message to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, surprising someone with flowers just because or even making a donation to a local charity. Is there any better and more feel good way to start the day?
Ultimately how you start your day and your week, is largely down to you, so find what makes you happy and that gives you peace of mind and do more of that.