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A Much-Anticipated First Book By Denis Liam Murphy

the blame game book

It doesn’t matter if you need a January pick-me-up or you just want to practice and improve your self-development skills to begin the new year, because the launch of Denis Liam Murphy’s first book, The Blame Game: How to Recover from the World’s Oldest Addiction, is just what you need.

The first book written without unconsciously instilling blame, victimhood, and fear into the reader, The Blame Game: How to Recover from the World's Oldest Addiction. With thousands of coaching hours under his belt and fifteen years of entrepreneurial experience, Denis has formulated the New Murphy's Law and reveals the keys to overcoming "the blame addiction" we all suffer from.

Regardless of your circumstance, Denis believes life is designed to be effortless. He believes that freedom, confidence, and serenity are attainable regardless of where you find yourself. It only takes ONE habit - one you didn't realize you had - to accomplish this. There are a number of symptoms associated with blame addiction, including anxiety, depression, anger, shame, and guilt, which can all be resolved using the 'Blame Recovery Process'. Ultimately, your mental health, physical performance, energy levels, and life will improve within 30 days.

Founder of RoundTable Global, a learning and development company that helps build high-performance leaders and create cultural change within corporations, Denis Liam Murphy is a high-performance coach and visionary thinker. Additionally, he founded BeyondBamboo, which provides world-class planet-conscious products, procurement, and consultancy services.

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